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Frequently Asked Question


Most of the questions you may have will be answered by clicking on the registration icon to start the registration process.  You can opt out at any time and won’t be charged as long as you haven’t put in your credit card information. When you come across dates and times, you may want to make a note of it, or print out the information which will be useful during the season.


What is West Boca Basketball's Mission?
Our mission is to serve the boys and girls of our community teaching them to love the game of basketball, to play as a member of a team, and to promote good sportsmanship. 

When does registration start and end?
Online registration for the upcoming season has started. We will not close registration until the division is full which can happen at any time.

How long is the season?
The regular season runs 10 weeks, giving way to holidays and school breaks. Except for the 5-6 co-eds, 7-8 girls & 7 boys, the season is followed by playoffs & championship games.

How much does it cost to play?
$135 is the preferred rate which changes to $170 as we get closer to the start of the season, so register now!

What if my child changes his mind?
As long as we are notified by e-mail before evaluation weekend, we are able to grant a refund less $25 for handling. There will be no refunds once the child is drafted or teams have been selected.  There is no refund for practice night conflicts, or requests not honored.

Can I request a practice night?
IN THE AGES OF 8 & UNDER, there is a field on the registration form where you can indicate the night you MUST practice if there is only one night. If you are somewhat flexible but cannot practice on Tuesdays, for example, you can write that in the comment box and as long as there are coaches practicing the night you are available we should be able to accommodate your child.

What if my child wants to play with a friend? Can I request my favorite coach?   What if I need carpool help?
IN THE AGES OF 8 & UNDER, we try and accommodate RECIPROCAL requests. If Joe requests John and John requests Joe, and they are both available to practice the same night, chances are we will be able to place them on the same team. But practice night requests take precedence over friend requests.

Joe requesting John, John requesting David, and David requesting Steven won’t work! Do not request a Coach, only a child. In ages 9 and over, requests will not be taken or honored. We understand you have other children and responsibilities and need help driving to games and practices but expect that you will be able to work out carpooling with other parents of the team or make arrangements for assistance. In all age groups, parents are required to attend practice. Coaches are not babysitters or disciplinarians and should not be expected to watch your child.

When and where are games?
This information is also in the online registration packet. Or, you can click on PROBABLE TIMES, and pull up the list which shows where and when we intend to play our games each season.

When and where are practices?
Practices are held at  outdoor facilities such as Logger’s Run Park, Veteran’s Park, South County Park. No indoor facilities may be used. Practices may not be longer than 90 minutes and coaches know to shorten the practices to 45-60 minutes for younger children.

How high is the basket?
The basket is 10 feet for children ages 11 and over, and 9 feet for 10 boys and 9-10 girls. It is 8 1/2 feet for 9 boys & 8 feet for all other younger age groups.

What size basketball should we purchase?
For the 5-6 co-eds, 7 boys, and 7-8 girls, the basketball is a 27.0 junior ball.  For the 8, 9, 10 11 and 12 boys and all girls divisions, it’s the standard 28.5 girls basketball.  And for boys divisions 13 and over, it’s the standard men’s 29.0 basketball.

Can I coach? Can I sponsor a team?
You can register to coach clicking the same registration icon. There you can register to coach or sponsor as well.

What happens at Evaluations? Do I have to attend?
Evaluation weekend is a chance for each coach to see the children in the division. Evaluation times are posted on the web site. It is important for your child to attend his/her evaluation or they can be at risk of being bumped if the division is full and wait listed. If your child definitely cannot attend his designated time slot, we MUST be notified in an email BEFORE the evaluation weekend.

When will I find out who my coach is?
Approximately 10 days after evaluations, you will get a phone call or email from your child’s coach with further information. Please do not call and ask for a different coach. Play ball, we promise you will have fun and make a new friend or two!

When will my child get his uniform?
Your child’s coach will receive the team uniforms the Wednesday before the first game and will give them out at the next practice or first game. If the uniform is too big or small, please make every attempt to swap it with another teammate. Uniforms can be reordered but will cost $30 and will not be available until the 2nd or 3rd game.

For any special requests or concerns after registering your child, please email If you have further questions please call our hotline 561-600-8985 and your call will be returned shortly.